40th Edition, Sunday, April 27, 2025
Hosting the USATF National Masters 10K Championship
When: Sunday, April 27, 2025
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Where: Endicott Estate
Address: 656 East Street, Dedham, MA, 02026
Parking is available on the grounds of the Estate to early entrants.
Register in person at the Estate and/or pick up bibs on:
Because of security issues, there will be no bag check-in. We encourage you to have a family member or friend take care of that for you or leave your clothing in your car. We may be able to handle special issues. Please see staff early on the day.
If you plan to drink a beer or two after the race you are expected and required by law to have photo proof of being of the legal age. A wrist band will be issued to you at registration.
Bring a photo I.D. on race day. This of course is in accordance with Massachusetts general law.
This is a popular and competitive running event sanctioned by USATF in accordance with all rules and restrictions.
As a condition of the USA Track & Field sanction and rules, we must forbid baby joggers in the race.
For purposes of safety too, the use of headphones are discouraged (you don’t need to be oblivious and lost in the groove with your ear buds in the midst of more than 3000 runners around you).
These rules are imposed for the safety of all participants. Please spare us, and you the embarrassment of being asked to leave the course and perhaps ruin your day.
NOTE: Any conduct such as using anything other than provided portable toilet facilities which are found in abundance will also be grounds for disqualification. You should be easy to I.D with your bib number and you could be barred for life. We have eyes everywhere so please don’t embarrass the event or yourself.
Remember we are guests of the Endicott Estate neighborhood and the town of Dedham.
Please respect your running events, its volunteers and fellow participants.
Other Pertinent Information
Host Hotel ( JJR is the discount code )
Volunteer by emailing [email protected] or. online sign up .
There is $12,000 in prize money offered with the 2025 USATF National Masters 10K Championship.
USA Masters 10 km – Prize Structure
Participants must have a current 2025 USATF membership prior to the race to be eligible for prize funds.
The Ramblers will begin their journey at the Endicott Estate.
This is a large, serious competitive athletic event therefore;
Absolutely no baby joggers, in-line skates or unauthorized bikes will be tolerated on the course during the event. This is a matter of grave public safety. Violators will not be allowed to proceed in the race.
If you compete wearing headphones and place for prize money, you may be disqualified subject to rules by USATF.
This is all in compliance with national rules of USATF, which is the sanctioning authority of the James Joyce Ramble 10 km.
No dogs are allowed on the Endicott Estate grounds per order of the town of Dedham for liability reasons. We love dogs, but not in large crowds of people. Sorry.
(The avid lover of dogs race director is available to dog-sit though not on Ramble weekend).
The Awards Ceremony will commence at around 12:30 p.m.
As usual, there will be a host of refreshments and food offerings at the Ramble Post-Race Soiree on the Estate lawn. Our thanks to Blue Ribbon Barbeque and Jacks Abby Brewing among others.
Please bring photo identification for consumption of adult beverages.